Position Title
Cooperative Extension Specialist
Position Title
Cooperative Extension Specialist
- Plant Pathology
Name Pronunciation:
Host range of Fusarium dieback and its ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) vector in southern CaliforniaA Eskalen, R Stouthamer, SC Lynch, PF Rugman-Jones, M Twizeyimana, ...
Plant Disease 97 (7), 938-951, 2013
Evaluation of pruning wound susceptibility and protection against fungi associated with grapevine trunk diseases
PE Rolshausen, JR Úrbez-Torres, S Rooney-Latham, A Eskalen, ...
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61 (1), 113-119, 2010
Fusarium euwallaceae sp. nov.—a symbiotic fungus of Euwallacea sp., an invasive ambrosia beetle in Israel and California
S Freeman, M Sharon, M Maymon, Z Mendel, A Protasov, T Aoki, ...
Mycologia 105 (6), 1595-1606, 2013
An inordinate fondness for Fusarium: phylogenetic diversity of fusaria cultivated by ambrosia beetles in the genus Euwallacea on avocado and other plant hosts
MT Kasson, K O’Donnell, AP Rooney, S Sink, RC Ploetz, JN Ploetz, ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 56, 147-157, 2013
Discordant phylogenies suggest repeated host shifts in the Fusarium–Euwallacea ambrosia beetle mutualism
K O’Donnell, S Sink, R Libeskind-Hadas, J Hulcr, MT Kasson, RC Ploetz, ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 82, 277-290, 2015
Research Interests & Expertise
- Trees, vines, and small fruits