The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) offers an extensive network of advising for undergraduate students, working to assist them in getting the most out of their academic experiences. Students receive general and comprehensive advising along their paths to graduation provided by faculty, staff and peer advisors.

Drop-in advising with staff
A quick 15 minute appointment to answer basic advising questions, such as:
- Preliminary degree checks
- GE, college, or university requirements
- Schedule changes
- Declaring a major or minor
- How to request a late drop
- Commencement/graduation events

Schedule an appointment
Schedule a one-on-one appointment with a UAP advisor to discuss your advising concerns, such as:
- Leadership or engagement opportunities
- Career, major, or minor exploration
- Academic Notice/Subject to Dismissal
- Academic plans for multiple quarters
- Withdrawal/Readmission
- Retroactive changes

Peer Advising
Meet with a peer advisor during drop-in advising hours to get assistance with basic advising questions, such as:
- Preliminary degree checks
- Schedule support
- How to request a late drop
- How to start a petition