Position Title
Distinguished Professor
Position Title
Distinguished Professor
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
The economics of poverty traps and persistent poverty: An asset-based approachMR Carter, CB Barrett
Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa, 12-33, 2013
Poverty traps and natural disasters in Ethiopia and Honduras
MR Carter, PD Little, T Mogues, W Negatu
World development 35 (5), 835-856, 2007
Asset smoothing, consumption smoothing and the reproduction of inequality under risk and subsistence constraints
FJ Zimmerman, MR Carter
Journal of Development Economics 71 (2), 233-260, 2003
Searching for land tenure security in Africa
JW Bruce, SE Migot-Adholia
Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1994
Getting institutions “right” for whom? Credit constraints and the impact of property rights on the quantity and composition of investment
MR Carter, P Olinto
american Journal of agricultural Economics 85 (1), 173-186, 2003