Position Title
Position Title
- Environmental Science and Policy
Adaptive human behavior in epidemiological modelsEP Fenichel, C Castillo-Chavez, MG Ceddia, G Chowell, PAG Parra, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (15), 6306-6311, 2011
Social distancing responses to COVID-19 emergency declarations strongly differentiated by income
JA Weill, M Stigler, O Deschenes, MR Springborn
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 117 (33), 19658-19660, 2020
Emissions targets and the real business cycle: Intensity targets versus caps or taxes
C Fischer, M Springborn
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62 (3), 352-366, 2011
Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action
KL Steenwerth, AK Hodson, AJ Bloom, MR Carter, A Cattaneo, ...
Agriculture & Food Security 3, 1-39, 2014
When pets become pests: the role of the exotic pet trade in producing invasive vertebrate animals
JL Lockwood, DJ Welbourne, CM Romagosa, P Cassey, NE Mandrak, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (6), 323-330, 2019