Position Title
Professor Emeritus
Position Title
Professor Emeritus
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Supercapacitors performance evaluationS Zhang, N Pan
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (6), 1401401, 2015
Predictions of effective physical properties of complex multiphase materials
M Wang, N Pan
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 63 (1), 1-30, 2008
Mesoscopic predictions of the effective thermal conductivity for microscale random porous media
M Wang, J Wang, N Pan, S Chen
Physical Review E 75 (3), 036702, 2007
Studying the mechanisms of titanium dioxide as ultraviolet‐blocking additive for films and fabrics by an improved scheme
H Yang, S Zhu, N Pan
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 92 (5), 3201-3210, 2004
High power density supercapacitor electrodes of carbon nanotube films by electrophoretic deposition
C Du, N Pan
Nanotechnology 17 (21), 5314, 2006