Position Title
Professor Emeritus
Position Title
Professor Emeritus
- Plant Sciences
Using L‐systems for modeling source–sink interactions, architecture and physiology of growing trees: the L‐PEACH modelMT Allen, P Prusinkiewicz, TM DeJong
New phytologist 166 (3), 869-880, 2005
PEACH: a simulation model of reproductive and vegetative growth in peach trees
YL Grossman, TM DeJong
Tree physiology 14 (4), 329-345, 1994
Seasonal relationships between leaf nitrogen content (photosynthetic capacity) and leaf canopy light exposure in peach (Prunus persica)
TM DeJong, JF Doyle
Plant, Cell & Environment 8 (9), 701-706, 1985
Causes and consequences of overfertilization in orchards
SA Weinbaum, RS Johnson, TM DeJong
HortTechnology 2 (1), 112b-121, 1992
Water stress and crop load effects on fruit fresh and dry weights in peach (Prunus persica)
ME Berman, TM DeJong
Tree physiology 16 (10), 859-864, 1996