Hess / Meyer Awards

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The Awards

Charles Hess Community Service Awards
The Charles Hess Community Service Awards are in honor of Dean Emeritus, Charles E. Hess.

These awards are to recognize and encourage more students to become involved in public/community service activities while in college and hopefully help them develop an attitude of wanting to share with others in need. The intent is to raise the status of being a volunteer within the College and University and then being a volunteer recognized in their community will become a part of their career aspirations. The following are the criteria:
  1. Graduating Senior with good scholarship and the most noteworthy record of public/community service while at U.C.D.
  2. Demonstrated expertise in and an interest in serving humanity.
  3. A record of academic excellence
Mary Regan Meyer Prize
The Mary Regan Meyer Prize goes to an outstanding graduate in the College who best meets the following criteria:
  1. Graduating Senior with an outstanding record.
  2. Demonstrated expertise and an interest in serving humanity.
  3. Interest and intention to embark on post-baccalaureate graduate or professional level education.
  4. Broad intellectual interest as indicated in both course work and activities on-and off-campus.
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