Join us at 2nd Annual CA&ES Symposium
Please join Dean Dillard and the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for our 2nd Annual College Symposium.
Innovating Solutions for the Future of California and Beyond
This event is your chance to establish strong connections and build partnerships that will support our shared vision for a prosperous, productive and healthy California, nation and world for generations to come.
The day will look at current solutions and future opportunities, starting with lightning talks that focus on the impact of UC Davis research on the state and the world. The “Making Connections” networking lunch will offer moderated small group discussions across several important themes. Table hosts will represent a variety of disciplines and cover topics such as economics, water, climate solutions, land management, air quality, community engagement, and more. Afternoon panels discussions will set a vision for work to ensure the future and resiliency of biodiversity, agriculture and communities.
This event is free to attend, but space is limited and advanced registration is required. Priority registration will be given to external partners, government and agency officials and faculty within the college.
Event Details
Monday, May 5, 2025
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
UC Davis Conference Center
550 Alumni Lane
Davis, CA 95616
Program to begin at 10 a.m.
Keynote Speakers

Bowles Farming Company

CEO, Sustainable Conservation
- Innovations in Action
Frances Moore,
Associate Professor,
Department of Environmental Science and PolicyAndrew Latimer,
Department of
Plant SciencesPamela Ronald,
Distinguished Professor,
Department of Plant PathologyIsaya Kisekka,
Department of Land, Air and Water ResourcesThomas Harter,
Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist,
Department of Land, Air and Water Resources- Preserving biodiversity for the future
Justin Valliere,
Assistant Cooperative
Extension Specialist,
Department of
Plant SciencesRob Lusardi,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation BiologyEmily Meineke,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Entomology and NematologyBrett Milligan,
Associate Professor,
Department of
Human EcologyFernanda S Valdovinos,
Associate Professor,
Department of Environmental
Science and Policy- Growing for the future
Mason Earles,
Assistant Professor,
Departments of Viticulture and Enology and
Biological and
Agricultural EngineeringAndre Daccache,
Associate Professor,
Department of Biological
and Agricultural
EngineeringAnna Denicol,
Associate Professor,
Department of Animal ScienceMitchell Feldmann,
Assistant Professor,
Department of
Plant SciencesM. Anne Visser,
Department of
Human Ecology
Watch Highlights from Last Year's Symposium
Learn More
Learn more about the Agricultural Experiment Station, our departments and faculty, and the Cooperative Extension specialists who work together to create solutions in food and agriculture, natural resources, community development and other areas that benefit California and beyond!