Position Title
Assistant Professor
Position Title
Assistant Professor
- Environmental Toxicology
Name Pronunciation:
Mini-review: The role of redox in Dopa-mediated marine adhesionSCT Nicklisch, JH Waite
Biofouling 28 (8), 865-877, 2012
Global marine pollutants inhibit P-glycoprotein: Environmental levels, inhibitory effects, and cocrystal structure
SCT Nicklisch, SD Rees, AP McGrath, T Gökirmak, LT Bonito, ...
Science advances 2 (4), e1600001, 2016
Mercury levels of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) are associated with capture location
SCT Nicklisch, LT Bonito, S Sandin, A Hamdoun
Environmental Pollution 229, 87-93, 2017
Optimized DPPH assay in a detergent-based buffer system for measuring antioxidant activity of proteins
SCT Nicklisch, JH Waite
MethodsX 1, 233–238, 2014
Substrate specificity and ion coupling in the Na+/betaine symporter BetP
C Perez, C Koshy, S Ressl, S Nicklisch, R Krämer, C Ziegler
The EMBO journal 30 (7), 1221-1229, 2011