Undeclared, Exploratory Program

About the Undeclared/Exploratory Program

Many students come to UC Davis not knowing what major they want to pursue, which careers most interest them, or how to begin the major selection process. Being part of the Undeclared/Exploratory program offers students the opportunity to explore their academic options, personal interests, strengths, and career goals with the guidance of advisors who can help them prepare to declare a major and ensure successful academic progress toward the completion of a Baccalaureate degree.

Throughout the month of July, the CA&ES Dean's Office will be offering Group Advising Sessions to incoming Undeclared /Exploratory students so that you can connect with our advisors about any specific questions you have and learn more about support resources. Below, you will find all the Group Advising dates and times. All sessions can be accessed at https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/8688635343


Wednesday, July 24:   4:00-5:00pm (PST)

Tuesday, July 30:        11:00am-noon (PST)


Meet the CA&ES Dean’s Office Advising Team

Schedule an Appointment


See What Students Are Saying About This Program

This major provided me with the opportunity to explore different classes, which I did, and I felt free to pick classes to experiment." 

I heard EXP students from other universities were put into classes, so I liked how UCD allow[ed] me to pick and enroll in my own classes and [I] had ‘free range.’”

Being at UCD in CA&ES has been very pleasing and strong. I had a few advising appointments and all the advising appointments have met my expectations."

I know I am making the best major choice for myself. I feel very comfortable with all the advisors in the college and they are all so nice.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I learn more about the majors offered at UC Davis?
  • • Explore majors within CA&ES by reviewing our website and majors brochure.

    • Learn more about the options available across colleges by consulting the UC Davis website.

    • Check out other online resources for major exploration.

    • Discuss your options with an advisor. 

  •  How can I find a field of study that I’m interested in?
  • • Take classes that appeal to you and see where it goes from there. Please make sure you enroll in lower division courses.

    • Build your connections by joining one of the 800 UC Davis student clubs, including those offered by CA&ES!

    • Register for Career Discovery Group (CDG) during your first quarter to explore majors and careers with the help of Internship and Career Center (ICC) experts and graduate student mentors.

    • Talk to faculty advisors that may specialize in your area of interest.
  • What should I do if I already know which major I am interested in?
  • • Connect with your intended major advisor to discuss major requirements and course scheduling. To learn more about appointment offerings and other advising options, please review their website.

    • Work with your intended major advisor to create an academic plan and submit a Change of Major petition through OASIS if eligible.
  • Where can I go for advising as an Undeclared/Exploratory student?
  • • Meet with a CA&ES Dean’s Office advisor to: 1) determine your goals, 2) clarify university policies and requirements, and 3) receive help with course selection.

    • Make an appointment with your intended major advisor, if possible, to learn more about that specific major program, and take preparatory classes to explore. You can find information about accessing advising on their department website.

    • Talk to a peer advisor in the major that you are interested in to learn about the major program and classes from their perspective.

  • Where can I get help planning my schedule as a new Undeclared/Exploratory student?
  • • If you have a specific major in mind, reviewing the major page in the Aggie Advising course is a great way to build your schedule to try out that major program.

    • You will be invited to attend a webinar, in addition to group advising sessions, with our office to discuss your interests and go over any questions you may have. Webinars typically take place in July, while group advising is offered in late July or August.

  • When do I need to declare my major?
  • As described in the UC Davis General Catalog, students must declare a major by the time they have completed 90 units.

  • What is the Change of Major process?
  • Step 1: Meet with your intended major advisor to review degree requirements and create a 3-Quarter Academic Plan.

    Step 2: Submit a Change of Major petition through OASIS (under Forms & Petitions). 
    For your petition to be considered

         • You must complete at least one quarter of coursework at UC Davis.
         • You must be in good academic standing (have at least a 2.0 GPA).
         • You must meet any prerequisites or entrance requirements for your intended major, if applicable. Please meet with your intended major advisor to discuss your change of major eligibility.

    Step 3: Meet with your intended major advisor AND an advisor from your intended college to discuss and review your petition.

  • What happens if I do not declare a major by 90 units?
  •  Failure to declare a major at this point will result in a registration hold, which will block you from registering for any future classes.

    If there is a registration hold on your account, please seek academic advising with the CA&ES Dean’s Office on next steps in a timely manner.

  • I received an email warning me that a hold may be placed on my account because I have not yet declared a major. What should I do?
  • Students who have not yet declared a major receive an email from the CA&ES Dean’s Office when they are approaching 90 units.

    If you received this email, you do NOT yet have a hold on your account, but will need to:
         1. Seek advising from your intended major advisor and the CA&ES Dean’s Office.
         2. Submit a Change of Major petition if eligible to prevent a registration hold from being placed on your account when you reach 90 units.