Position Title
Position Title
- Plant Sciences
Urban woodlands: their role in reducing the effects of particulate pollutionKP Beckett, PH Freer-Smith, G Taylor
Environmental pollution 99 (3), 347-360, 1998
Particulate pollution capture by urban trees: effect of species and windspeed
KP Beckett, PH Freer‐Smith, G Taylor
Global change biology 6 (8), 995-1003, 2000
Estimating the removal of atmospheric particulate pollution by the urban tree canopy of London, under current and future environments
M Tallis, G Taylor, D Sinnett, P Freer-Smith
Landscape and Urban Planning 103 (2), 129-138, 2011
Identifying potential environmental impacts of large-scale deployment of dedicated bioenergy crops in the UK
RL Rowe, NR Street, G Taylor
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 13 (1), 271-290, 2009
Energy crops: current status and future prospects
REH Sims, A Hastings, B Schlamadinger, G Taylor, P Smith
Global change biology 12 (11), 2054-2076, 2006