Women feeding the world photo gallery on campus
Feb 05, 2014 — Brenda Dawson — Horticulture CRSP, University of California, Davis
Photos depicting women around the world in various roles related to food.
A photo gallery from a January event called "Women Feeding the World: Farmers, Mothers, and CEOs" is on display at the Memorial Union in the first-floor Coffee House until the end of the quarter. The photos are part of this year's Campus Community Book Project on the book, "Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide."
The photos depict women in a variety of roles related to food—including bean farmers,
beekeepers, and breastfeeding mothers—in California and around the world.
More than 80 photos were submitted by UC Davis students, faculty, staff, and community members based on personal and professional experiences. Though 12 selected photos are on display in the MU, many others are available for viewing online at http://occr.ucdavis.edu/ccbp2013/womenfeedingtheworld.html.
A number of campus and community organizations came together to sponsor the event and its gallery, including several CA&ES units: the Blum Center, Horticulture Collaborative Research Support Program, International Programs Office, and Program in International and Community Nutrition. Additional sponsors include the World Food Center, Office of Campus Community Relations, Women's Resources and Research Center, and the off-campus organization Freedom from Hunger.
Media contact:
- Brenda Dawson, Horticulture CRSP, UC Davis, (530) 752-7992, bldawson@ucdavis.edu