Genome Sequencing and Microbial Resources Workshop

Event Date

UC Davis Walter A. Buehler Alumni Center, 530 Alumni Lane, Davis, CA 95616

Sponsoring Unit
UC Davis Food Science and Technology (for U.S. Culture Collections Unit)

If you are a researcher that sequences microbial or other genomes, or you use genome sequence data, you should consider attending this workshop. Early bird registration is now open for a US Culture Collection Network workshop at the UC Davis Buehler Alumni Center June 10 and 11, 2024. At the workshop “Genome Sequencing and Microbial Resources”, participants will learn about:

  • Challenges and opportunities related to microbial genome sequencing
  • Opportunities to integrate phenotypic and genotypic information
  • Specimen and data storage
  • Preservation procedures
  • Licensing of both intellectual and tangible property
  • Emerging requirements of Nagoya Protocol that impact use of DNA sequences


Click here for more information and to register