Position Title
Associate Professor
Position Title
Associate Professor
- Plant Sciences
Plant responses to rising vapor pressure deficitC Grossiord, TN Buckley, LA Cernusak, KA Novick, B Poulter, ...
New Phytologist 226 (6), 1550-1566, 2020
The control of stomata by water balance
TN Buckley
New phytologist 168 (2), 275-292, 2005
A hydromechanical and biochemical model of stomatal conductance
TN Buckley, KA Mott, GD Farquhar
Plant, Cell & Environment 26 (10), 1767-1785, 2003
How do stomata respond to water status?
TN Buckley
New Phytologist 224 (1), 21-36, 2019
How does biomass distribution change with size and differ among species? An analysis for 1200 plant species from five continents
H Poorter, AM Jagodzinski, R Ruiz‐Peinado, S Kuyah, Y Luo, J Oleksyn, ...
New Phytologist 208 (3), 736-749, 2015