Position Title
Professor Emeritus
Position Title
Professor Emeritus
- Environmental Science and Policy
Ecological consequences of phenotypic plasticityBG Miner, SE Sultan, SG Morgan, DK Padilla, RA Relyea
Trends in ecology & evolution 20 (12), 685-692, 2005
Life and death in the plankton: larval mortality and adaptation
SG Morgan
Ecology of marine invertebrate larvae, 279-321, 2020
Sensory environments, larval abilities and local self-recruitment
MJ Kingsford, JM Leis, A Shanks, KC Lindeman, SG Morgan, J Pineda
Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1), 309-340, 2002
Predicting self-recruitment in marine populations: biophysical correlates and mechanisms
S Sponaugle, RK Cowen, A Shanks, SG Morgan, JM Leis, J Pineda, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1), 341-375, 2002
Evidence of self-recruitment in demersal marine populations
SE Swearer, JS Shima, ME Hellberg, SR Thorrold, GP Jones, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1), 251-271, 2002