Past Borlaug Fellowships at UC Davis

2015 Borlaug Fellow

  • Vietnam: Dr. Pham Hung Cuong, Vice Head of the Department of Environmental Research for Livestock of Vietnam’s National Institute of Animal Science was hosted and mentored by Dr. Ermias Kebreab as a Borlaug fellow from 1 September – 23 November 2015. Dr. Cuong’s research topic was on developing research agenda related to global warming mitigation through a new methodology to measure greenhouse gas emissions from ruminants in Vietnam. As part of the fellowship conditions, Dr. Kebreab made a reciprocal visit to Vietnam in October 2016 which also served as an opportunity to establish a long-term collaboration with the fellow’s home institution.

2016 Borlaug Fellows

  • Colombia: Ms. Maria Garcia, a native of Colombia, came to UC Davis in 2016 as a recipient of the Borlaug Fellowship program. Ms. Garcia’s fellowship program was on gender analysis and agricultural development, particularly on quantitative analysis of gender in relation to agriculture data. She was mentored by Drs. Mark Bell, current Vice Provost of Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs of UC’s Department of Agriculture & Natural Resources (UC DANR) and Richard Plant, Professor Emeritus of UC Davis’ Department of Plant Sciences. Ms. Garcia’s specific objective was to quantify the interaction between gender and farm income on specific roles of women in rice production. She found that there is a significant relationship between farm income and the level of women’s responsibility for production on rice farms in Columbia.
  • Jordan: Mr. Bashar Hanna Ibrahim Dawoud was a Borlaug fellow mentored by Dr. Heiner Lieth. Mr. Dawoud was in Davis from 11 September-15 December 2016 to fulfill his fellowship under the topic of Climate Smart Agriculture & Biotechnology. While in California, he attended university lecture and laboratory courses, conducted research projects on growing plants in hydroponics, and visited commercial plant production operations in nearby cities. Due to various travel issues at that time, Dr. Lieth was not able to do a reciprocal visit to Jordan.