Making Connections: Frequently Asked Questions for CA&ES Faculty

Who is invited to participate?

This program is designed for all faculty and cooperative extension specialists with appointments in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Priority will be given to faculty hired within the past four years. Other faculty may be invited to participate if space is available. If you are a more experienced faculty member interested in participating, please contact Melissa Haworth at

Why should I participate in Making Connections?

There are many reasons! In no particular order:

  • You’ll meet thought leaders, practitioners and potential collaborators across California who may be future research collaborators, partners or hosts for student tours.
  • You’ll visit farms, watersheds, processing facilities and industry expositions to broaden and deepen your understanding of California issues and opportunities. We hope these tours will give you ideas to enhance your teaching, research and outreach programs.
  • These trips may inspire opportunities to build relationships with fellow new faculty from across college disciplines-maybe you’ll come up with the next great research project over dinner with a new colleague.
  • Celebrate the splendor of California’s landscapes. If you are new(ish) to California you won’t want to miss the chance to see this beautiful, diverse state.
  • Have fun! Each program incorporates a delicious meal to be shared with new friends and contacts and a mix of activities to ensure everyone finds value in the program.
  • It's a priority for Dean Dillard, who understands the importance of developing and maintaining relationships with California stakeholders.

How many programs can I participate in?

We hope all eligible faculty will participate in at least one Making Connections program. If you are interested in more than one program, please sign up and we will work to accommodate everyone while ensuring each person is able to join at least one tour.

What is the cost to participate?

This program is funded by the Dean’s Office with additional support provided by the financial sponsors. There is no cost for faculty to participate. Meals, lodging and transportation are all included free of charge.

The only exception is if you do not use the group transportation provided. If you choose to drive separately, we cannot reimburse mileage or parking fees.

Who should I talk to about making accommodations to allow my participation?

We are committed to ensuring this program is available to all new faculty who wish to participate. If you have any unique needs, special dietary requirements, are a breastfeeding mother or have concerns about participation, please contact Melissa at 530-979-1440 or