Agricultural and Resource Economics

Tim Beatty Named Chair of Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Tim Beatty, who joined UC Davis in 2014, is the new chair of the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, or ARE, which routinely ranks among the best agriculture and applied economics programs in the world. 

ARE trains both graduate and undergraduate students and its managerial economics major is the fifth largest at UC Davis. Faculty researchers address issues in agriculture, the environment, natural resources and international development.  

Kristin Kiesel Wins ASUCD Excellence in Education Award


If you asked students what it’s like to take a managerial economics or other class with Kristin Kiesel, they will tell you she is kind, empathetic, a role model and so much more. 

The associate professor of teaching in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics is being awarded the Excellence of Education Award from the Associated Students of the University of California, Davis, or ASUCD.

Winners are nominated by students and the award honors teaching faculty for their dedication to students and undergraduate education.

Rachael Goodhue Named a Fellow to Prestigious Agricultural Economics Association

The Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, or AAEA, selected Rachael Goodhue, a UC Davis professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, a 2024 fellow.

Becoming a fellow is the highest honor to be bestowed by the association and recognizes significant contributions in the field. Goodhue was one of six selected along with experts from Michigan State University, Texas A&M University, the University of Guelph in Canada and elsewhere.

Goodhue is the 20th person from her department to be a named an AAEA fellow.

Russia’s Actions Threaten Global Food Security

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 caused wheat and corn prices to spike 30% and 13%, respectively, and threatened a worldwide food crisis. International efforts to mitigate a food security crisis via the Solidarity Lanes and the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI) have successfully allowed grain exports out of Ukraine. However, Russia’s recent withdrawal from the BSGI, coupled with increased bombings of Odesa and Danube River ports, caused another price spike for these grains.

Are California Soda Taxes Effective?

California is home to four of the eight active soda taxes in the United States, but are these policies successfully decreasing the consumption of sugary beverages in these cities? New research out of UC Davis suggests that, in most cases, these soda taxes did not reduce retail sales.

Fertilizer Prices Keep Rising and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Could Make it Worse

We’ve heard a lot about rising fertilizer prices since mid-2020 and various explanations have been offered. UC Davis DeLoach Professor of Agricultural Economics, Aaron Smith, says a confluence of factors have combined to cause the price spike and that, in part due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, prices continue to increase. "Oil and gas prices have surged in the past couple of weeks due to supply uncertainty created by Russian threats to invade Ukraine,” said Smith.

Social Distancing Varies by Income in U.S.

Poorer Communities Face Double Burden During Pandemic as They Stay Home Less

Wealthier communities went from being the most mobile before the COVID-19 pandemic to the least mobile, while poorer areas have gone from the least mobile to the most mobile, according to a study by the University of California, Davis.

How has coronavirus pandemic impacted California food, agriculture and environment?

New report explores long-term effect on state’s agricultural industries

A new report from agricultural economists at the University of California examines how COVID-19 continues to impact California agriculture. Profiles of leading California agricultural industries illustrate the different ways the pandemic has impacted leading industries like dairy, beef, and produce—industries that have scrambled to repurpose products from food service to retail—and tree nuts, an industry that saw a temporary spike in sales as consumers hoarded storable goods.