Food & Agriculture

The Unintended Consequences of Clean Fuel Policies

Over the last two decades, both the federal government and state governments have enacted policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector. In a new Special Issue of ARE Update, University of California agricultural economists explore how these federal and state renewable fuel policies have affected biofuel production for motor and aviation fuels and consider how these policies have affected land use and food prices. Their research shows that as U.S.

Postharvest Center: New research focus and outreach


UC Davis has been a leading source of information for people handling, packaging and transporting crops since the beginnings of the Postharvest Research and Extension Center in 1979. Now, the center is strengthening its focus on the needs of industry, offering fresh courses, weaving strategic partnerships and expanding into digital media, all while building up its research capacity to better serve the needs of the produce industry.

Seed Gift Funds Research on How Location, Soil Influence Wine

Silver Oak Cellars, a family-run business known for its cabernet sauvignon and pinot noir wines, donated $100,000 to the University of California, Davis, to support research on how characteristics like soil chemistry and location affect wines that we enjoy and attribute to specific places, including but not limited to Napa Valley. 

The money will help fund Department of Viticulture and Enology research to better understand how the same grapes planted in different locations can result in wines that have distinctive flavor, texture and other sensory attributes. 

Get a Taste of “Brew La-La,” Winner of the Iron Brew Competition

In a celebration of friendship and fermentation, the 2024 UC Davis Iron Brew competition crowns "Brew La-La" as this year's winner. With each sip, this Belgian blonde ale features hints of honeysuckle, wildflowers and citrus blossoms that intertwine with subtle undertones of vanilla, bubble gum and honey. 


Where Can You Grab a Pint?

Starting May 30 – Available at Gunrock located on campus near the Silo

Starting May 31 – Available at Sudwerk Brewing Co. located at 2001 2nd St., Davis.

Are We on the Brink of a New Trade War with China?

The Biden administration recently announced large, increased tariff rates for Chinese electric vehicles, solar cells, semiconductors, and aluminum and steel products. This raises the possibility of another trade war with China that could impact agriculture. Economists from the University of California, Davis, and North Dakota State University evaluated the potential implications of the U.S. revoking China’s Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status.

Plant Researchers and Molecular Biologist Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Three professors from the University of California, Davis, have been elected as members of the National Academy of Sciences. They are among 120 new members and 24 international members announced by the academy April 30

Members are elected in recognition of their contributions to original research. Membership in the academy is considered one of the highest honors a scientist can achieve.